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Panel Lining


As this is my first attempt at panel lining I should note that I am sure it is far from perfect. I also would imagine there are other techniques for panel lining.

This is just my first attempt, and I will revisit this topic as I learn more, and practice more!


The first thing to outline are the tools I used.

To do this, I used three basic tools. The first is a Gundam Marker. I picked this rather than any other option as I thought I should start with the basics before trying other techniques. The second item is a double ended cotton bud. It doesn’t have to be double ended, that just makes life easier 🙂 The final item I used was airbrush thinner.


The basic premise of my first technique was this:

  • Fill in the line with the marker
  • Add thinner to one end of the cotton bud
  • Wipe away to clean up any excess marker or overspill
  • Use the end of the bud that doesn’t have thinner on it to clean up

In my first attempts I sort of just wiped the bud “willy nilly” and it took too much of the marker away. For my second attempt I wiped the cotton bud gently across the lines rather than with them. This provided a much better effect. At the moment my technique still requires a lot of work. However once the model is complete I’ll show the whole thing panel lined. Also as I revisit this technique, and other options. I will write follow up posts on changes and tips and tricks as I come across them.

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gundam #gundammodel #model #kit #gunpla

1 thought on “Panel Lining

  1. […] even gave it its own post here. However, little did I know that there was still a way I could mess this up! So in essence, to […]

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