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New Stock 24th November 2022

While waiting for the big December shipment from Bandai to see if any of my orders are there. I have been fortunate enough to secure some new stock. Only the other day these lovely boxes were delivered:

I always get excited when I get a delivery of new stock like this. Even better the lovely people at Cosmic Group also normally put the kits inside a box, and then put the box, inside another box. Finally when you get the lids open you are greeted by this:

I have to admit to loving unpacking these. Under those kits, there are more kits, and under those, more kits! The only sad thing is that I want to take them all to build myself!

Once I had the order confirmed I started work on adding the items to the store as private, and setting up all the prices and links. That allowed me to pretty much check the stock when it arrived and get the items up and available to you as soon as possible.

All of the items that came in that shipment are on the site, so why not go and have a look at the shop here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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