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Guess the Model Part 3

Continuing on from yesterdays post “Guess the model Part 2”, we now have the equally inspired Guess the Model Part 3. In this series of posts I will be showcasing parts of the model I am currently building. Partly so people can guess that the model is, and partly to show how fantastic they are!

Today’s part is a leg. I know nearly as exciting as the .. erm leg … but now you get 2 for the price of 1! So lets get on with “Guess the Model Part 3”!

Now that the pair are together, it is starting to form, I think, quite a classic look! I really need to take the side pipes off, and clean the pieces up individually (making sure to avoid the spring effect mentioned in yesterdays post). However with my hands I’m finding those hard to hold. I am going to have to dig out a pair of tweezers to hold them steady while I sand away!

That is today’s clue to the model that is on my building table!

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