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Christmas Kit

Welcome back to this mini Christmas Kit series of posts! Yesterday we were discussing how Christmas is getting closer and buying a model for someone who hasn’t built one before. Essentially you will want to pickup a couple of essentials to make the build process more enjoyable! Yesterdays item was nippers. Today we are going to say the next item on the list should be tweezers.


Now you may have some around the house, and that would be fine. However I tend to find that hobbyists like to keep their hobby tools separate from their normal everyday items.

So what do you need the tweezers for? Well many of the kits come with stickers, or transfers. You can often find this out by googling the specific kit for more information. Trying to apply these stickers or transfers can be a nightmare, especially given the small nature of many of them. It is definitely easier to use a pair of tweezers to align the stickers or transfers and then smooth them into place.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you haven’t already done so please like and follow us on our social media platforms and checkout our website!


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