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Should I paint my models

Home » Should I paint my models


I ask myself this question all of the time; should I paint my models. I’m sure there are all sorts of views out there in the world, but it is one that I keep coming back to. I thought it would be interesting to explore them here.

What are the options

When asking myself should I paint my models I often cycle back to wondering what the options are. It seems to me that there are a few core options, and then variations on those.

As is

The first obvious option is to just build the model and leave it as is. With the level of detail and the colour separation on the models this still can leave you with an absolutely stunning looking piece. However even within this there can be choices to make; do you want to use the stickers, and do you want to do panel lining. The first model I ever built I used the stickers but that was it. I’ve left it pretty much as is .. purely from a “it is the first one I ever built” nostalgia point of view.

Painting – Airbrush

Another option is to paint the model using an airbrush. This can allow for some amazing detail, and shades and colour transitions. For example this example here is a lovely example. Clean and really stands out. Obviously the biggest barrier here is that to do this properly you do need to invest in some decent kit. Originally you had to have a decent motor and tank so that the airbrush flow would be consistent and not pule paint. However, I have seen some smaller USB charged air pumps reviewed recently that would appear to offer a decent smooth delivery of air. There is no doubt that this is a method that can be used to elevate your models to a whole new level.

Painting – Traditional

My final option is the traditional painting method. Many modellers will have been doing this for years with different brands of paint and different brushes. In my experience many people who start with brushes tend, at some point, to graduate to using airbrushes. However, as with everything there is nothing to say that you have to. There are some absolutely mind blowing artists/modellers out there who don’t go near an airbrush. You can achieve amazing detail and effects, and again elevate the models to an all new level.

Why would I do it?

There are a lot of reasons why you may choose to paint a model. It could be you want to change the look and feel, or it could be that you want to hide a blemish. I, for example, don’t like some of the join lines (especially on anything like a helmet) so I would prefer to fill it, and then paint it to give a smooth finish. As with anything in a hobby you shouldn’t do something just because others are. Always do what you want with your models; as long as your happy with them, and how they look, that is all that is important.


So in conclusion I would say go with what you want to do. Once you have paid your money it is your model, and your time. If you feel that you want to paint them then go for it. If you want to keep it stock out of the box then that is awesome as well. Ultimately I don’t believe anyone should tell you how to have fun, and modelling should be fun. As long as you are enjoying it then you will get the most enjoyment out of. Remember, if you find yourself asking yourself “should I paint my models” then go with what feels right to you.