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RX-78-2 Head Prep

head clean
Home » RX-78-2 Head Prep

Before I could detail the process I use to remove / hide join lines I needed to take my RX-78-2 head and prep it. I had already worked on it previously so some clean-up was in order.


First I gathered all the tools I was going to need.

Cotton tips
Cotton tips
Nitrile gloves
Nitrile gloves

Paint remover
Paint remover
Dissolved putty
Dissolved putty

RX-78-2 Head Before Cleaning

Before I started here is what the head looked like prior to cleaning

Head before cleaning facing left
Head before cleaning facing left
Head before cleaning facing right
Head before cleaning facing right

RX-78-2 Head Cleaning Method

Step 1 – Put on the gloves 😀

Step 2 – Lay down a piece of tissue paper. This is important for while you are cleaning.

Step 3 – Dip the tip of one of the cotton tips into the paint remover and apply it to the head in a circular motion on a small section.

Step 4 – Repeat step 3 until the paint begins to lift / bunch up into globs.

Step 5 – Clean / dry the head with the tissue paper.

Step 6 – Repeat steps 3 – 5 until the head is clean, moving to new sections as one area becomes clean.

Once completed the head looked like this:

head clean
Clean Head

Next time

In my next post I will detail adding the putty to the head, sanding down, and finally adding the undercoat.