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After much debating I decided that store should have the ability to purchase models. Initially I am in the process of trying to put together the necessary contacts to import the models. Once that is in order I can make them available to everyone in the UK at competitive prices.

I want to ensure that the store provides everyone who loves the hobby the ability to purchase or request the models they want to buy.

If things work out I will have everything put together as soon as possible. However, as you can imagine as a new venture there are a lot of things I need to consider. My plan is to put everything in place, so that once I start listing items you will have minimal delay from ordering to the goods arriving.

Can you help?

I am open to suggestions or queries on items people would like to be able to buy. That can be anything from what would be the best price for something, to an item they just can’t source.

I haven’t advertised or really put this out there yet, I want to wait till I have everything sorted. If, however, you stumble across my blog in these early days please feel free to let people know.

I realise this is a fairly short update but at the moment everything really is in the early stages. As soon as I hear more then I will update everyone.

While I wait for this to get sorted, why not check out my post on where to start here.

There is also found this awesome wiki that you can read through which is packed with information.

I want to ensure that I stock the items that you want, so feel free to drop me an email at [email protected] and I will see what I can sort once everything is in place.