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In the beginning


In the beginning Gundam was just something I heard people talk about. They mentioned they were building a “thing”, or maybe even used the term model. I was however none the wiser.

Years later I googled it and found a whole world of mecha, models, movies, and series that I was totally unaware of. Like many people who have been gaming and modelling for many years I was finding myself a little burnt out. Not from gaming, but from painting hordes of the same model in the same pose with the same everything. To date all my most completed units have been painted by my friend Steve.

Upon discovering the Gundam world I wanted to delve deeper into all the aspects of it. This is how I started (rightly or wrongly).

Before we go any further Gunpla = Gundam Plastic Model.

Where I started selecting a Gundam

After reading as many blog posts and sites as I could find, I eventually found a model I really liked the look of. This was the RG (Real Grade) Excitement Embodied number 05 Freedom Gundam. Personally I think it looks absolutely lovely.

It is also still in it’s box (I’ll explain that in a minute).

After ordering I then did even more googling and learnt a little more about the different types and grades of the models. A lot of people recommended going for a HG (High Grade) model for your first build. So I quickly ordered up the HG After War number 163 GX-9901-DX Gundam Double X Satellite System Loading Mobile Suit (pictured below).


The HG Gundam Build

So what would I say about the build; I just followed the pictures and it went together easily enough. The instructions have very clear images that make following along easy. Although most if not all text is in Japanese you can still work it out. Start from box 1 and slowly work your way through. Don’t rush and enjoy the process. In the end it is extremely satisfying and therapeutic.


Have you been modelling for years? If the answer is yes then really the process of putting these together should not be an issue for you.

Have you been modelling for years? If the answer is no then definitely start with the models in the HG line.

No matter which way you go, or what model you choose there is a wealth of information out there. Take your time and just enjoy the process. Most of the items can be deconstructed if needed so don’t worry and just enjoy. After all it is a hobby!